Brent Showalter is a multidisciplinary artist whose vibrant creations have their bones in photography, bones that may not be noticeable from afar but a closer examination of his work will bring to life a collection of unique shapes and color, layered in ways that ask viewers to choose which color, shape, idea or language ascends to the top. Showalter found his initial medium almost by accident in broken panes of glass. Where others might have seen chaos or destruction, Showalter—even in the stillness of the broken glass—saw movement stuck in a moment. Whether inspired by the bells of London, the jagged digital clutter of a cracked TV screen or the surface of a river in moonlight, Showalter’s work has a flowing nature but that flow is fixed, a precise wink at the very notion that movement always moves.           

Let’s connect…

Feel free to reach out.

Whether it's about a potential collaboration, inquiries about my work, or just to say hi, I'm all ears. Your messages mean a lot, and I appreciate your interest in my artistic journey.